Thursday, January 25, 2007

Can I Get my Hearts and Minds Well Done?

Military shows off new ray gun
By ELLIOTT MINOR, Associated Press Writer
Thu Jan 25, 5:43 AM ET

MOODY AIR FORCE BASE, Ga. - The military calls its new weapon an "active denial system," but that's an understatement. It's a ray gun that shoots a beam that makes people feel as if they are about to catch fire.

Apart from causing that terrifying sensation, the technology is supposed to be harmless _ a non-lethal way to get enemies to drop their weapons.

Military officials say it could save the lives of innocent civilians and service members in places like Iraq and Afghanistan.

During the first media demonstration of the weapon Wednesday, airmen fired beams from a large dish antenna mounted atop a Humvee at people pretending to be rioters and acting out other scenarios that U.S. troops might encounter in war zones. (Read More)

Well, this is good news. I don’t know about you, but when I’m a disgruntled citizen of a country under occupation, nothing makes me happier, and want to cooperate more than feeling like I’ve been set on fire.

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