Thursday, January 25, 2007

The Beggining is the End is the Beggining

Welcome to Slactivism. I am the sole editor and publisher, Micheil Yohannes. I am many things. A social and economic progressive. A writer and performer. A life long resident of New York City. However, some things that I am not are a professional economist, historian, or trained expert in international diplomacy.

The question you may be asking yourself in the face of this admission is why. Why should you offer your time to read my analysis of national and geo-political policy, current events, and social issues? The only response I can offer to this is my work. I feel I have a voice that is worth listening to, however the ultimate proof of this will be encapsulated in what I produce. The new frontier of the ‘blogosphere’ has created a rare American meritocracy, and so I only ask for the chance to fail. Perhaps I may surprise you, and become a trusted resource for under-reported news and commentary.

- Micheil

Oh, and please forgive the rough layout. I just launched, and hope to refine the site over the next few weeks.

And please feel free to email me with any questions, suggestions or comments at

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