Saturday, February 10, 2007

Honey, I Didn't Mean to Cheat on You! It Was All George Tenet's Idea!

(The original video from Doug Feith's appearance on The Situation Room has been pulled from YouTube. To see the clip, head over to Crooks and Liars)

One of these days, George Tenet is going to tire of being the fall guy; and when that day occurs, the White House and Office of the Vice President will have another thing coming. This is all the result of attempts by Cheney and Rumsfeld to set up an autonomous intelligence unit within the Pentagon which they utilized to promote their Iraq policy. They browbeat the CIA into submission in the run up to the war, and now are trying to deflect all blame toward them.

But intelligence officials are neither stupid, nor powerless. The day one of them flips, and tells where the metaphorical bodies are buried just might be the end of the Bush Administration.

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