Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Ned Lamont '12!

Joe Lieberman saw his shadow today, and so that means we’re getting another two years of pointless war.

US should weigh war on terrorism tax - Lieberman

06 Feb 2007 18:23:45 GMT

WASHINGTON, Feb 6 (Reuters) - Sen. Joseph Lieberman said on Tuesday that Congress should consider a tax to fund the U.S.-declared war on terrorism and reduce the need to cut domestic programs to pay for security spending.

A former Democrat who supports the Iraq war and backs President George W. Bush's plan to send 21,500 additional troops to Iraq, Lieberman said the proposed increase in the Pentagon's budget for next fiscal year will squeeze funding for critical domestic programs.

"I think we have to start thinking about a war on terrorism tax," the independent Connecticut lawmaker said. "I mean people keep saying we're not asking a sacrifice of anybody but our military in this war and some civilians who are working on it." (Read More)

What can you say? Connecticut, here’s your great senator, whom in your infinite wisdom you chose to re-elect; in all his glory:

We have talked a lot lately about Dick Cheney's delusional behavior and his childlike strategic foreign policy vision. It seems as if even the dunderhead Bush seems less threatening and freakishly out to lunch than Cheney. In fact, it's hard to find any Republicans wearing the fogged-up, rose colored glasses that Cheney sports these days. But there is one guy who equals Cheney for sheer magical thinking and schoolboy worldview; it's Holy Joe Lieberman, the Supreme Allied Commander of the War against Islamofascism.

I couldn't help but think of that scene when I read this:

Lieberman likes expressions of American power. A few years ago, I was in a movie theatre in Washington when I noticed Lieberman and his wife, Hadassah, a few seats down. The film was “Behind Enemy Lines,” in which Owen Wilson plays a U.S. pilot shot down in Bosnia. Whenever the American military scored an onscreen hit, Lieberman pumped his fist and said, “Yeah!” and “All right!”

That is a 60ish US Senator from New England, not a 21 year old marine preparing to go to war. There's something very disturbing about that picture. (Courtesy Hullabaloo)

And he wants to bomb Iran. This man is beyond politics; he watches the world with self-professed omniscient eyes, playing G.I. Joe with men and women who have done something that he refused to do when offered the opportunity in his youth: fight and risk death in war.

His is the lowest, most debased perspective one can imagine in foreign policy: I don’t like you, so I’m going to go to war with you. How many times is Joe Lieberman going to drive support for wars with nations that pose no imminent threat to the people or interests of the United States?

Ultimately, Joe Lieberman watches the news like a fair-weather Bulls fan fawned over Jordan in the mid-nineties. That what his idol (Bush) does is right or wrong is of no significance to Joe; only that he has fortitude to turn his ill will into reality. His predisposition to be in awe of those who exert power against all objections would make Joe a fine cabinet member for Franco or Stalin; however, it does us all a disservice in his position as a check on the power of our executive branch.

And though he has proven all his words of moderation last November to be an outright lie; I would like to extend my sincerest wishes that the Republicans in Connecticut who drove his re-election are satisfied with sharing the burden for the body count Mr. Lieberman will leave in his wake.

Just one of Lieberman’s greatest hits before we go –

It is time for Democrats who distrust President Bush to acknowledge that he will be Commander-in-Chief for three more critical years, and that in matters of war we undermine Presidential credibility at our nation’s peril.”

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