Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Um, Yeah...

...so I've gotten some email recently wondering what the hell happened here, and why I haven't posted in a month. Well, it's a two-fold dilemma. First off, I've found out recently that multiple blogs already use either my exact title, or slight variations of it, and so I'm not sure if I am going to continue on with publishing under this url. Second, posting over four times a day is a really hard thing to keep up with, and it seems I either go feast or famine.

I'm in the process of trying to put together a shared blog with multiple other writers, with the hope being that A) we would be able to offer commentary from different perspectives (including, hopefully, from a varying array of professional and educational backgrounds), and B) we would be able to offer substantially more content to try and retain more regular visitors. Don't get me wrong, I love the concept of the solo-blogger offering his or her perspective and allowing their site to be a reflection of a particular moral and political code; however, it does leave plenty of room for the ebb and flow of regular content; and also, at least in my opinion, it can often lead to a site driven by the cult of personality, which in history has only proven to be an enemy of the free-exchange of ideas. I'm rambling.

Anyways, if you are interested in possibly publishing with me, that would be the bee's knees. I'm looking for individuals who desire true editorial partnership, along with partial ownership. Just forward a letter of interest, and three articles pertaining to progressive politics to micheil.slactivism@gmail.com. Of course I'll do my best to keep everybody up to date with my latest machinations. Until then, may you rest with sweet dreams of Alberto Gonzales (and Rove?) swept away from the halls of our executive like so much trash. Man do I miss writing about this stuff...

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